岳成涛,男,毕业于中国科学院大学,获物理化学专业理学博士学位,现为南华大学校聘副教授,核科学技术学院辐射防护与核安全系教师。主要研究领域包括先进功能材料、核素分离与提取、放射性废物处理、辐射防护与环境保护。近三年主持国家级和省部级项目3项,参与国家级项目3项,参与横向课题2项。研究成果在Nature Communications、ChemSusChem、Journal of Water Process Engineering、AdvancedFunctionalMaterials、ChemicalReviews、Colloid Surface A、Reactive and Functional Materials、Green Chemistry等国际刊物发表SCI收录论文15篇,参与编写英文专著2部,参与撰写综述1篇。受聘为ColloidandSurface、Journal of Water Process Engineering等期刊审稿人。
[1]2023.01-2025.12国家自然科学基金青年项目 基于新型催化导向定位负载策略精准构建负载协同催化中心 主持
[2]2022.01-2024.12湖南省自然科学基金青年项目 基于表面自催化负载策略可控构建多相协同催化剂 主持
[3]2022.01-2024.12湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目 磷酸(酯)功能化介孔碳用于放射性废水中铀酰离子选择性吸附 主持
[1]Chengtao Yue,QiXing,Peng Sun, Zelun Zhao,HuiLv, Fuwei Li*. Enhancing stability by trapping palladium inside N-heterocyclic carbene-functionalized hypercrosslinked polymers for heterogeneous C-C bond formations.Nature commun. 2021, 12 1875.
[2]Chengtao Yue, Wenlong Wang, Fuwei Li*.Building N-Heterocyclic Carbene into Triazine-Linked Polymer for Multiple CO2Utilization.ChemSusChem,2020, 13, 5996-6004.
[3]Chengtao Yue, Renjuan Liu, Yinghao Yu, Qiyue Wan, Hai Wang, Longcheng Liu, Xu Zhang*. Synthesis of novel phosphate-based hypercrosslinked polymers for efficient uranium extraction from radioactive wastewater.J Water Process Eng, 2023, 53, 103582.
[4]Xu Zhang, Renjuan Liu, Hai Wang, Longcheng Liu,Chengtao Yue*. Fabrication of phosphate-containing mesoporous carbon for fast and efficient uranium (VI) extraction.Colloid Surface A, 2023, 622, 130994.
[5]Renjuan Liu, Qiyue Wan, Yinghao Yu, Xu Zhang, Longcheng Liu, Hai Wang,Chengtao Yue*. Polyacrylate/phytic acid hydrogel derived phosphate-rich macroporous carbon foam for high-efficiency uranium adsorption.J Water Process Eng, 2023, 53, 103659.
[6]Xu Zhang, Chuanlei Luo, Hong Li, Renjuan Liu, Hai Wang, Longcheng Liu,Chengtao Yue*. POSS-crosslinked poly(vinylphosphonic acid) for efficient adsorptive removal of uranium (VI) from nuclear wastewater.React Funct Polym, 2023, 190, 105648.
[7]Ruiyun Li, Xing Yang, Jun Zhao,Chengtao Yue, Yongfu Wang, Jiangong Li, Ernst Meyer, Junyan Zhang, Yijun Shi. Operando Formation of Van der Waals Heterostructures for Achieving Macroscale Superlubricity on Engineering Rough and Worn Surfaces,Adv Funct Mater, 2022, 21, 11365.
[8]Chengtao Yue, Peng Sun, Fuwei Li. (2020) Phosphonium Ionic Liquids. InEncyclopedia of Ionic Liquids(Ed.: S. Zhang), Springer, Singapore.
[9]Chengtao Yue, Peng Sun, Fuwei Li. (2020) Sulfonium Ionic Liquids. InEncyclopedia of Ionic Liquids(Ed.: S. Zhang), Springer, Singapore.