[6]活性炭/纳米矿晶复合材料制备及其对氡吸附性能研究,湖南省教育厅科学研究重点项目,18A239, 2019/01-2021/12,主持.
[1]Wang Meng, Duan Xidong, Xu Yuxi*. Functional three-dimensional graphene/polymer composites, ACS Nano, 2016, 10(8): 7231-7247.(IF=18.027)
[2]Liao Yun, Lei Ruilin,Wang Meng*.Uranium capture by a layered 2D/2D niobium phosphate/holey graphene architecture via an electro-adsorption and electrocatalytic reduction coupling process,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2023,442:130054(IF=14.224)
[3]Liao Yun, Yan Chuan, Zeng Ke, Liao Chenglin,Wang Meng*. Asymmetric polysaccharide-bound graphene electrode configuration with enhanced electrosorption performance for uranium (VI) ions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 424:130351(IF=16.744)
[4]Yan Chuan, Liao Yun, Shen ChengJin, Weng Xiaofang, Lei Ruilin, Liao Chenlin, Zhou Yuxiang,Wang Meng*. Uranium extraction by a graphene-based asymmetric electrode conffguration through combined complexation, electro-adsorption, and photocatalytic reduction, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 461: 142012(IF=16.744)
[5] Deng Xiangyuan, Liao Yun,Wang Meng*, Detao Xiao. Investigation of the effect of the key pore size on the radon adsorption performance by combining grand canonical Monte Carlo and activated carbon modification experiments.Applied Surface Science,2024,643,158730.(IF=6.7)
[6]Liao Yun, Lei Ruilin, Chen Guoxing, Shen Chengjin, Mei Zihang, Zhao Jihao, Que Yiting,Wang Meng*,Wang Hongqing.Efficient U(VI) capture co-driven by multiple synergistic mechanisms in an advanced asymmetrical photoelectrocatalytic system.Applied Surface Science,2024,654,159482.(IF=6.7)
[7]Wang Meng, Xu Yuxi*, Design and construction of three-dimensional graphene/conducting polymer for supercapacitors, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2016, 27(8): 1437-1444.(IF=8.455)
[8] Li Lixia, Dong Shuqi, Li Hongyan,Wang Meng*, Liang Lina, Pang Minhui. Introducing hydroxyl-containing POSS to liquefaction of biomass: An alternative route to bio-based polyurethane nanocomposites for coated fertilizers. European Polymer Journal, 2023, 192: 112082.(IF=5.546)
[9] Deng Xiangyuan, Yu Bo,Wang Meng*, Detao Xiao, High-efficiency radon adsorption by nickel nanoparticles supported on activated carbon. New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 46, 9222-9228.(IF=3.057)
[10] Liao Yun, Liu Li,Meng Wang*. Preparation and properties of starch-based polyurethane/montmorillonite composite coatings for controlled-release fertilizer. Polymer Composites, 2021, 42 (5): 2293-2304.(IF=3.531)
[11]Liu Li, Deng Xiangyuan,Wang Meng*. Activated carbon/attapulgite composites for radon adsorption. Materials Letters, 2021, 285: 129177.(IF=3.574)
[12] Liao Yun, Cao Bing,Wang Meng*.Structure and properties of bio-based polyurethane coatings for controlled-release fertilizer. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021, 138(15): 50179(IF=3.057)
[13] Wu Xiandong, Li Kaiwen,Wang Meng*. Three‑dimensional graphene materials for UO22+electrosorption. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2019, 321(3): 977-984.(IF=1.754)
[14]Wang Meng*, Shan Decai, Liao Yun. Investigation of inelastic behavior of elastomeric composites during loading–unloading cycles,Polymer Bulletin, 2018, 75(2):561-568.(IF=2.843)
[15] Mei Zihang, Chen Guoxing, Liao Yun, Zhang Wenli,Wang Meng*. Arsenazo III-spectrophotometry for the determination of thorium content. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology,https://doi.org/10.1080 /00223131.2024.2361655.(IF=1.7)
[16]Zhou Yuxiang, Tian Hang, Mei Zihang, Liao Yun,Wang Meng*. Catalytic liquefaction of starch by sulfamic acid and its curing kinetics for preparing polyurethane,Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2023, 148: 13851-13858.(IF=4.4)
[17]Liao Yun, Shan Decai, Liu Zhifang,Wang Meng*. Thermal analysis of the necking phenomenon in fiber drawing, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015. 122:323-327.(IF=4.755)
[18]Wang Meng*, Liao,Yun. Investigation of inelastic behavior of elastic fibers by infrared thermography, Polymer Testing, 2014,39 (10), 20-22.(IF=4.931)
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[2]肖德涛,王孟,邓湘元,唐泉.一种活性炭石墨烯复合材料、其制备方法和应用, 2019-2-19,中国, 201811251500 .7
[3]刘芝芳,王孟,単徳才,吴红枚,王榆元,廖云.一种水性油墨树脂及制备方法, 2014-2-5,中国, 201310537924.0
[4]姚志猛,邹晓炜,李新贤,陈建,詹鹏举,李振龙,王孟,肖志海,周裕翔.核电厂树脂填装装置, 2022-10-14,中国,202220347328 .0