[1]2022.01-2024.12 湖南省教育厅科学研究重点项目 高功率条件下EAST不同NBI注入方式快离子行为的研究 负责人
[2]2018.01-2021.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目 托卡马克中基于同步辐射特征的高能逃逸电子分布参数演化的研究 参与人
[3]2017.01-2019.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 聚变中子诊断原位刻度实验研究 参与人
[4]2017.01-2019.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 用于托卡马克装置软X射线相机的远前端高灵敏抗辐射前置放大器研究 参与人
[1]Min Xiao,Ruijie Zhou*,Liqun Hu,Yongkuang Zhang.Analysis of synchrotron radiation spectra of runaway electrons in Tokamak. Physics Of Plasmas,2017,24(12):124504.
[3]D. K. Yang, Y. M. Zhang,M. Xiao, Z. M. Hu, L. Y. Liao, J. Q. Sun, G. Q. Zhong, L. Q. Hu, B. N. Wan, G. Gorini, M. Nocente, M. Tardocchi, C. J. Xiao*, and T. S. Fan*. Neutron emission and fast ion simulation for high performance long pulses at EAST.Review of Scientific Instruments, 2021, 92: 043552.
[4]Peng X, Zhu K,Ji X, Xiao M, Luo F, Huang Y, Zhu J, Xiao W, Luo S, Liu Y, He L, Wang X*.Simulation study on photon generation and collection of tower applied to NICA-MPD electromagnetic calorimeter[J]. Journal of Instrumentation, 2022, 17(01).
[5]Peng X, Zhu J, He L, Xiao W, Luo F, Xiao M, Wang X*.Simulation study on optical transmission performance and time resolution of Shashlik tower[J]. Journal of Instrumentation, 2023, 18(02).
[6]Xuan-Tao Ji, Si-Yuan Luo, Yu-He Huang, Kun Zhu, Jin Zhu, Xiao-Yu Peng,Min Xiao, Xiao-Dong Wang*. A novel 4D resolution imaging method for low and medium atomic number objects at the centimeter scale by coincidence detection technique of cosmic-ray muon and its secondary particles.Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2022, 33: 2.
[7]G. Q. Zhong, L. Q. Hu*, N. Pu, R. J. Zhou,M. Xiao, et al.Status of neutron diagnostics on the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2016, 87(11):11D820.
[8]G. Q. Zhong*,H. R. Cao,L. Q. Hu,R. J. Zhou,Min Xiao,et al. The behavior of neutron emissions during ICRF minority heating of plasma at EAST. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2016, 58(7):075013.
[9]Kai Li,Liqun Hu,Guoqiang Zhong*,Ruijie Zhou,Hongrui Cao,Min Xiao, et al. Development of neutron activation system on EAST tokamak.Review of Scientific Instruments, 2020, 91(1): 013503.
[10]Kai Li*,Liqun Hu,Guoqiang Zhong,Ruijie Zhou,Hongrui Cao,Min Xiao, et al. Calibration of the gamma-ray measurement procedure in the EAST neutron activationsystem.Fusion Engineering and Design, 2019, 148: 111278.
[11]Guoqiang Zhong, Kai Li,…,Min Xiao, et al. Development of a wide-range neutron flux monitoring system in EAST.Journal of Instrumentation, 2020, 15: P05011.
[12]Liangsheng Huang, Liqun Hu,…,Min Xiao,et al.Investigation of neutron source model based on EAST plasma shape.Fusion Engineering and Design, 2020, 153: 111487.
[13]Ruixue Zhang, Liqun Hu,…,Min Xiao, Liangsheng Huang. Preliminary investigation of the shutdown radioactivity for EAST based on gamma ray spectrometry.Fusion Engineering and Design, 2020, 161: 112039.
[14]Ruijie Zhou,Guoqiang Zhong,…,M. Xiao,et al. Development of gamma ray spectrometer with high energy and time resolutions on EAST tokamak.Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019, 90(12): 123510.
[15]Zhimeng Hu,Guoqiang Zhong,…,Min Xiao,et al.Neutron field measurement at the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak using a Bonner sphere spectrometer.NuclearInstrumentsand Methods in Physics ResearchSection A,2018,895:100-106.
[16]Ogawa Kunihiro,Isobe Mitsutaka,…,Min Xiao,et al. Time dependent neutron emission rate analysis for neutral-beam-heated deuterium plasmas in a helical system and tokamaks.Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2018, 60 (9):095010.
[17]周梦洁,胡立群,钟国强*,黄粱胜,李凯,周瑞杰,洪兵,肖敏,张瑞雪. EAST在不同加热模式下辐射响应研究.核技术,2020,43(3): 030605.
[18]韩良文,李凯,钟国强*,肖敏,徐宇,胡立群.聚变装置上的金属材料活化研究.核技术,2019,42(5): 050604.
[19]徐宇,徐国盛,钟国强*,胡立群,李凯,肖敏,韩良文. EAST实验场所与人员累积辐射剂量监测.核技术,2018,41(4): 040202.