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2024年06月17日  编辑:  审核:核科学技术学院


陈鹏举,男,汉族,工学博士、博士后,校聘教授,2021年博士毕业于中南大学,2021至2023年于南华大学进行博士后研究工作。主要从事纳米陶瓷材料制备工艺开发、高放核废料陶瓷固化基材稳定性及离子束辐照效应等相关研究工作。近年来,主持国家自然科学青年基金1项,湖南省自然科学青年基金1项,湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金1项,中国博士后面上基金1项,校启动基金2项;以第一/共一作者在J. Adv. Ceram, Adv. Pow. Mater, Corros. Sci, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc, J. Am. Ceram. Soc, Ceram. Int, Adv. Compos. Hybrid. Ma等国际顶级/高水平期刊发表SCI论文16篇,IF > 10论文2篇,累积影响因子> 100,授权国家发明专利3项。








[1]Pengju Chen, Xian Tang, Jingjing Liao, et al. Phase evolution and aqueous durability of nanograin Gd2Hf2O7ceramic as a potential nuclear waste immobilization matrix,Ceramics International, 2023, 49(14): 23206-23214.(SCI 1区,IF = 5.2)

[2]Pengju Chen,PengXiao,Zhuan Li,et al.Corrosion behavior and failure mechanism of SiC whisker andc-AlPO4particle-modified novel tri-layer Yb2Si2O7/mullite/SiC coating in burner rig tests,Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2022,11(12):1901-1917.(SCI 1区,IF =16.9)

[3]Pengju Chen, Tian Tian, Xian Tang, et al. Effect of Ce-doping on the phase composition and aqueous stability of Gd2Hf2O7ceramic as nuclear waste forms,Ceramics International, 2023, 49(23): 38556-38565.(SCI 1区,IF = 5.2)

[4]Pengju Chen, Peng Xiao, Xian Tang, et al. Water vapor corrosion behavior and failure mechanism of air sprayed bi-layer Yb2Si2O7/SiC and tri-layer Yb2Si2O7/ (SiCw-Mullite)/SiC environmental barrier coating,Advanced Powder Materials,2023, 2(1): 100064. (SCI 1区,IF =23.4)

[5]Pengju Chen,PengXiao,Yang Li,et al.Wet-oxygen corrosion resistance and mechanism of bi-layer Mullite/SiC coating for Cf/SiC composites,Ceramics International, 2022,48(21):31428-31437.(SCI 1区,IF = 5.2)

[6]Pengju Chen,PengXiao,Zhuan Li,et al.Thermal cycling behavior of tri-layer La2Zr2O7/Yb2Si2O7/SiC EBC coated Cf/SiC composites in burner rig tests,Journal of the EuropeanCeramicSociety,2021,41:4058-4066.(SCI 1区,IF = 5.7)

[7]SianChen,Pengju Chen,(共一),YangLi, et al. Thermal cycling behavior of bi-layerYb2Si2O7/SiC EBC-coated Cf/SiC composites in burner rig tests,Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials,2022,5: 2184-2192.(SCI 1区,IF =20.1)

[8]Pengju Chen,PengXiao,Zhuan Li,et al.Effect of residual silicon on the oxidation resistance of bilayer Yb2Si2O7/SiC coated C/SiC composites at high temperature,Corrosion Science, 2020,170:108676.(SCI 1区,IF =8.3)

[9]Pengju Chen,PengXiao,Zhuan Li,et al.Oxidationproperties oftri-layerytterbium-disilicate/mullite/Silicon-carbide environment barrier coatings for Cf/SiC composites,Surface and Coatings Technology,2020,402:126329.(SCI 1区,IF =5.4)

[10]Pengju Chen,PengXiao,Zhuan Li,et al.Microstructure and anti-oxidation properties of Yb2Si2O7/SiC bilayer coating for C/SiC composites,Ceramics International, 2019,45(18):24221-24229.(SCI 1区,IF = 5.2)

[11]Pengju Chen,PengXiao,Zhuan Li,et al.Bonding strength and thermal shock resistance of a novel bilayer (c-AlPO4-SiCw-mullite)/SiC coated carbon fiber reinforced CMCs,Journal of the AmericanCeramicSociety,2020,103(1):82-93.(SCI 1区,IF =4.2)

[12]Pengju Chen,PengXiao,Zhuan Li,et al.Microstructure and oxidation behavior of a novel bilayer (c-AlPO4–SiCw–mullite)/SiC coating for carbon fiber reinforced CMCs,Journal of the EuropeanCeramicSociety,2019,39(14):3988-3999.(SCI 1区,IF = 5.7)

[13]Pengju Chen,Chenyi Zhu,Guangqiang Li,et al.Effect of sulphur concentration on precipitation behaviors of MnS-containing inclusions in GCr15 Bearing Steels after LF Refining,ISIJ International, 2017, 57(6): 1368-1377.(SCI3区,IF =1.8)

[14]LingPan,Pengju Chen#,Peng Xiao, et al. Effect of SiC whiskers on the anti-oxidation properties of Yb2Si2O7/mullite/SiC tri-layer environmental barrier coating for CMCs,International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology,2023, 20(3): 1740-1752.(SCI2区,IF =2.1)

[15]Pengju Chen,Peng Xiao,TianTian,et al.Oxidation protection of tri-layer La2Zr2O7/Yb2Si2O7/SiC coated Cf/SiC composites at high temperature,International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology,2024,Accept.(SCI2区,IF =2.1)


[1]Pengju Chen、Peng Xiao、YangLi. Ceramic Coatings for High-Temperature Environments[M], Chapter 11 “Oxidation and Thermal Cycle Behavior of Yb2Si2O7-c-AlPO4-SiCw-Mullite Multilayer Coatings”, 2024, Springer Publishing.















