
殷祥标,男,1988年11月生,河南省郸城县人,博士,特聘教授,硕士及博士生导师。湖南省高层次青年人才和高层次人才引进创新团队学术骨干,南华大学核化工与核燃料工程系主任、先进核燃料循环化工研究中心副主任、南华大学核科学技术学院青年优秀高层次人才,中国辐射防护学会放射化学分会理事,兼任日本东京工业大学客座研究员、日本原子能机构访问学者。2010年在河南大学文理实验班学院物理学专业学习获理学学士学位,2013年获上海交通大学核科学与工程专业工学硕士学位,2014-2017年获国家留学公派奖学金在日本东京工业大学大学核工程专业学习并取得工学博士学位。2013-2021年期间, 先后任职日本东北大学量子能源工程系项目研究员、日本东京工业大学日本学术振兴会特聘研究员、日本原子能机构福岛先进退役国际共同研究中心博士后,东京工业大学科学技术创成研究院研究员。2021年11月全职引进至南华大学核科学技术学院工作。
主要致力于核化工与环境放射化学领域的研究,方向涉及乏燃料后处理、稳定及医用同位素分离、环境修复和核废物处理处置等。作为项目负责人或核心参与人完成日本政府在核废物处理处置领域的多项重大科研课题,主持日本学术振兴会特别研究员基金(JSPS D2 & PD)、福岛核电站反应堆退役机构青年基金、日子原子能机构JAEA博士研究员基金等项目 3 项,参与国家自然科学基金委-日本科学技术振兴会国际合作项目,日本文部省和环境省重点项目4项;回国2年来,入选湖南省高层次青年人才项目和湖南省高层次人才引进创新团队学术骨干,获批主持国家自然基金委青年基金1项、湖南省芙蓉实验室科技攻关项目1项、横向课题3项,南华大学科研启动金课题1项。累计在国内外行业知名期刊共发表SCI学术论文 40余篇,近5年以第一作者和通讯作者在Water. Res. (1 篇,IF = 13.4), Environ. Sci. Technol. (1 篇,IF = 11.357), J Hazard. Mater. (3 篇,IF = 14.224),Chem. Eng. J (1 篇,IF = 16.744), Sci. China Chem. (1 篇,IF = 10.138), Sep. Puri. Tech. (1 篇,IF = 9.136), Chemosphere (2 篇,IF = 8.943)和 Microp. Mesop. Mater. (1 篇,IF = 5.876) 等国际著名学术期刊发表论文17篇,总被引用频次超过 700 次,H-index 为 17。长期担任Environ. Sci. Technol.、J Hazard. Mater.等数十个高水平期刊审稿人,并受邀参加多个国内外学术会议并作口头报告30 余次,如太平洋核能大会(PBNC2022)(担任核设施退役及废物管理分会共同主席和分会场主席)、 2023全国核化工专业学术交流会议(口头报告)、全国核材料产学研合作高峰论坛(特邀报告)、第十六届全国核化学与放射化学学术研讨会(口头报告,获优秀青年报告奖)、2023年全国放射化学发展战略与学术交流大会(邀请报告)、2023年第八届环境放射化学学术交流会 (邀请报告)等。
Email: yinxb@usc.edu.cn
通讯地址:〒1421001 湖南省衡阳市蒸湘区常胜西路28号 南华大学 核科学技术学院 科创楼411室
(a) 乏燃料后处理;(b)放射性核素吸附分离;(c) 环境修复治理;(d) 核废物处理及地质处置; (e) 稳定及医用同位素分离。
1. 湖南省高层次青年人才项目,2021/11至2024/10,50万元,在研,主持
2. 湖南省高层次人才引进创新团队项目,2023/10至2028/10,500万元,在研,共同主持
3. 放射性医用核素Sr-90的高效分离、提取及其子体Y-90荷载微球研究, 湖南省芙蓉实验室科技攻关重点项目,2023/9至2025/9,50万元,在研,主持
4. 放射性铯锶废吸附剂固化体的冷烧结制备方法及固化机理研究, 国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金项目, 2023/1至 2025/12, 30万元, 在研, 主持
5. 钋气溶胶粒径及沉降因子测试分析,2023/7~2024/7,中广核研究院横向课题,178万元,在研,主持
6. 钋迁移放射性实验台架研制,中国原子能科学研究院横向课题, 2023/2 至2023/9, 147万元, 在研,主持
7. 铅铋合金中碘、铯等放射性核素的迁移研究,广西大学横向课题, 2022/10 至2023/6, 55万元, 在研,主持
8. 放射性废物处理处置前沿技术研究,南华大学高层次人才启动项目,2021/11~2026/10,300万元,在研,主持
9. 基于低温烧结法的长期安定性高密度废物固化体制备的研究,1F废炉研究开发推进费青年基金,2020/4~2022/3,500万日元,结题,主持
10. 固体废弃物中放射性物质的除去回收技术及减容固化技术研究,日本原子能研究开发机构博士后基金,2018/4~2020/8,300万日元,结题,主持
11. 福岛核电事故后污染土壤废弃物的合理处理・减容处分系统的基础研究,日本学术振兴会特别研究员奖励费,2017/4~2019/3,190万日元,结题,主持
12. 基于磷灰石陶瓷固化体的ALPS沉淀系废弃物的安定化技术开发,文部科学省原子力科学技术人材育成事业,2019/4~2021/3,1.3亿日元,参与
13. 基于金属离子亚临界水从土壤粘土矿物中解吸放射性铯的研究,科学研究费助成事业基础研究(B),2018/4~2020/3,1781万日元,参与
14. 基于污染土壤净化・再利用的废弃物高减容亚临界水处理系统开发,日本环境省(MOE)环境研究综合推进费,2018/4~2020/3,1.2亿日元,参与
15. 放射性污染废水处理用高效率多功能吸附剂的开发以及适用性评价,国家自然科学基金委-日本科学技术振兴会国际合作项目,2012/4~2015/3,200万元,参与
1. Yuliang Chen, Xiangbiao Yin*, Ningchao Zheng, Zheyang Lin, Toyohisa Fujita, Shunyan Ning, Yanliang Chen, Xinpeng Wang*. "Flexible self-supporting Na3MnTi (PO4) 3@ C fibers for uranium extraction from seawater by electro sorption", Journal of Hazardous Materials (2023), 461: 132664. 共同通讯,中科院一区
2. Sizhi Xu, Shunyan Ning, Xinpeng Wang, Feng Gao, Lifeng Chen, Xiangbiao Yin, Toyohisa Fujita, Yuezhou Wei. Silica-based covalent organic framework composite for efficient separation and enrichment of palladium and its heterogeneous catalysis application. Separation and Purification Technology (2023), 327:124977.
3. Mingyue Ma, Zhenxiong Ye, Jie Zhang, Youbin Wang, Shunyan Ning, Xiangbiao Yin, Toyohisa Fujita, Yanliang Chen, Hanyu Wu, Xinpeng Wang. Synthesis and fabrication of segregative and durable MnO2@ chitosan composite aerogel beads for uranium (VI) removal from wastewater. Water Research (2023), 247: 120819
4. Shichang Zhang, Qunying Huang, Lifeng Chen, Xiangbiao Yin, Mohammed F Hamza, Yuezhou Wei, Shunyan Ning. Fast removal of strontium from nitric acid solution using an acid-resistant silica-based adsorbent. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (2023), 11(5):110529
5. Haoran Dong, Shunyan Ning, Zengyuan Li, Sizhi Xu, Shichang Zhang, Xinpeng Wang, Youbin Wang, Lifeng Chen, Xiangbiao Yin, Toyohisa Fujita, Mohammed F Hamza, Yuezhou Wei. Efficient separation of palladium from high-level liquid waste with novel adsorbents prepared by sulfhydryl organic ligands containing imidazole, thiazole and oxazole composited with XAD7HP. Journal of Water Process Engineering (2023), 53:103681.
6. Shichang Zhang, Qunying Huang, Lifeng Chen, Wei Zhang, Xiangbiao Yin, Mohammed F Hamza, Yuezhou Wei, Shunyan Ning. Efficient separation of strontium in different environments with novel acid-resistant silica-based ion exchanger. Separation and Purification Technology (2023), 322:124347.
7. Wentao Wang, Shichang Zhang, Lifeng Chen, Zengyuan Li, Kun Wu, Ye Zhang, Zhe Su, Xiangbiao Yin, Mohammed F Hamza, Yuezhou Wei, Shunyan Ning. Efficient separation of palladium from nitric acid solution by a novel silica-based ion exchanger with ultrahigh adsorption selectivity. Separation and Purification Technology (2023), 322:124326.
8. Sizhi Xu, Shunyan Ning, Youbin Wang, Xinpeng Wang, Haoran Dong, Lifeng Chen, Xiangbiao Yin, Toyohisa Fujita, Yuezhou Wei. Precise separation and efficient enrichment of palladium from wastewater by amino-functionalized silica adsorbent. Journal of Cleaner Production (2023), 396:136479.
9. Mohammed F Hamza, Hamed Mira, Mahmoud S Khalafalla, Ji Wang, Yuezhou Wei, Xiangbiao Yin, Shunyan Ning, Khalid Althumayri, Amr Fouda. Photocatalytic Performance of Functionalized Biopolymer for Neodymium (III) Sorption and the Recovery from Leachate Solution. Catalysts (2023), 13(4): 672
10. Yuliang Chen, Xiangbiao Yin, Hao Fu, Zheyang Lin, Guangcan Ma, Xinpeng Wang, Qingsong Wang, Fangqiang Chen. Preparation of Porous Composite Phase Na Super Ionic Conductor Adsorbent by In Situ Process for Ultrafast and Efficient Strontium Adsorption from Wastewater. Metals (2023), 13(4):677.
11. Yedan Chen, Shunyan Ning, Yilai Zhong, Zenguan Li, Ji Wang, Lifeng Chen, Xiangbiao Yin, Toyohisa Fujita, Yuezhou Wei. Study on highly efficient separation of zirconium from scandium with TODGA-modified macroporous silica-polymer based resin. Separation and Purification Technology (2023), 305:122499.
12. Jie Zhang, Xiangbiao Yin, Zhenxiong Ye, Lifeng Chen, Linshuai Liu, Xinpeng Wang, Yanqiu Zhu, Toyohisa Fujita, Yuezhou Wei. Synthesis of Novel Hierarchical Rod-like Mg–Al bimetallic oxides for enhanced removal of uranium (VI) from wastewater. Chemosphere (2022), 308:136546.
13. Mohammed F Hamza, Eric Guibal*, Adel A-H Abdel-Rahman, Marwa Salem, Mahmoud S Khalafalla, Yuezhou Wei, Xiangbiao Yin*. Enhancement of Cerium Sorption onto Urea-Functionalized Magnetite Chitosan Microparticles by Sorbent Sulfonation—Application to Ore Leachate. Molecules (2022), 27(21):7562.
14. Mohammed F Hamza, Eric Guibal, Khalid Althumayri, Thierry Vincent, Xiangbiao Yin, Yuezhou Wei, Wenlong Li. New process for the sulfonation of algal/PEI biosorbent for enhancing Sr (II) removal from aqueous solutions—Application to seawater. Molecules (2022), 27(20):7128.
15. Lifeng Chen, Zihao Jiao, Xiangbiao Yin, Wenlong Li, Xinpeng Wang, Shunyan Ning, Yuezhou Wei. Highly efficient removal of strontium from contaminated wastewater by a porous zirconium phosphate material. Journal of Environmental Management (2022), 319:115718.
16. Hefang Liu, Shunyan Ning, Zengyuan Li, Shichang Zhang, Lifeng Chen, Xiangbiao Yin, Toyohisa Fujita, Yuezhou Wei. Preparation of a novel silica-based N-donor ligand functional adsorbent for efficient separation of palladium from high level liquid waste. Separation and Purification Technology (2022), 296:121373.
17. Hao Zhu, Shunyan Ning*, Zengzhiqiang Li, Xinpeng Wang, Toyohisa Fujita, Yuezhou Wei, Xiangbiao Yin*. "Synthesis of Bimetalic NbCo-piperazine catalyst and Study on Its Advanced Redox Treatment of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products by Activation of Permonosulfate", Separation and Purification Technology(2022), 285:120345, 共同通讯, 中科院一区
18. Zengzhiqiang Li, Shunyan Ning*, Hao Zhu, Xinpeng Wang, Xiangbiao Yin*, Toyohisa Fujita and Yuezhou Wei. "Novel NbCo-MOF as an advanced peroxymonosulfate catalyst for organic pollutants removal: Growth, performance and mechanism study", Chemosphere(2022). 288:132600. 共同通讯,中科院二区
19. Wudong Liu, Jie Zhang, Xiangbiao Yin*, Xinyi He, Xinpeng Wang*,Yuezhou Wei. "Luminescent layered europium hydroxide as sensor for multi-response to Cr2O72− or MnO4− based on static quenching and inner filter effect", Materials Chemistry and Physics (2021). 266: 124540. 共同通讯,中科院三区
20. Zihao Jiao, Yiguo Meng, Chunlin He, Xiangbiao Yin*, Xinpeng Wang*,Yuezhou Wei. "One-pot synthesis of silicon-based zirconium phosphate for the enhanced adsorption of Sr (II) from the contaminated wastewater", Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2021). 318: 111016. 共同通讯,中科院二区
21. Shichang Zhang, Shunyan Ning*, Hefang Liu, Xinpeng Wang, Yuezhou Wei*, Xiangbiao Yin. "Preparation of ion-exchange resin via in-situ polymerization for highly selective separation and continuous removal of palladium from electroplating wastewater", Separation and Purification Technology (2021). 258: 117670. 中科院一区
22. Jie Zhou, Qing Yu, Yu Huang, Jiejie Meng, Yedan Chen, Shunyan Ning*, Xinpeng Wang, Yuezhou Wei, Xiangbiao Yin, Jie Liang*. "Recovery of scandium from white waste acid generated from the titanium sulphate process using solvent extraction with TRPO", Hydrometallurgy (2020). 195: 105398. 中科院二区
23. Xiangbiao Yin*, Lijuan Zhang, Miki Harigai, Xinpeng Wang, Shunyan Ning, Masahiko Nakase, Yoshikazu Koma, Yusuke Inaba, Kenji Takeshita. "Hydrothermal-treatment desorption of cesium from clay minerals: the roles of organic acids and implications for soil decontamination", Water research (2020). 177: 115804. 唯一通讯,中科院一区
24. Xiangbiao Yin*, Lijuan Zhang, Chenrui Meng, Yusuke Inaba, Xinpeng Wang, Ayako Nitta, Yoshikazu Koma, Kenji Takeshita. "Selective removal of radiocesium from micaceous clay for post-accident soil decontamination by temperature-controlled Mg-leaching in a column", Journal of hazardous materials (2020). 387: 121677. 唯一通讯,中科院一区
25. Zhenxiong Ye, Xiangbiao Yin, Lifeng Chen, Xinyi He, Ziming Lin, Caocong Liu, Shunyan Ning, Xinpeng Wang*, Yuezhou Wei. "An integrated process for removal and recovery of Cr (VI) from electroplating wastewater by ion exchange and reduction–precipitation based on a silica-supported pyridine resin", Journal of Cleaner Production (2019). 236: 117631. 中科院一区
26. Caocong Liu, Lifeng Chen, Zhenxiong Ye, Chunmin Li, Xiangbiao Yin, Xinpeng Wang*, Yuezhou Wei. "Pellet silica-based titanate adsorbents with high selectivity for strontium removal from synthetic radioactive solutions", Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (2019). 91(2): 273-285. 中科院三区
27. Chun-Min Li, Yu-Sheng Zhang, Xin-Peng Wang*, Xiangbiao Yin, Neng-Neng Luo, Afshin Khayambashi, Yue-Zhou Wei. "The synthesis and characterization of hydrous cerium oxide nanoparticles loaded on porous silica micro-sphere as novel and efficient adsorbents to remove phosphate radicals from water", Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2019). 279: 73-81. 中科院二区
28. Chun Min Li, Xin Peng Wang*, Zi Hao Jiao, Yu Sheng Zhang, Xiangbiao Yin, Xue Min Cui, Yue Zhou Wei. "Functionalized porous silica-based nano/micro particles for environmental remediation of hazard ions", Nanomaterials (2019). 9(2): 247. 中科院三区
29. Lifeng Chen, Xiangbiao Yin, Qing Yu, Siming Lu, Fanyue Meng, Shunyan Ning, Xinpeng Wang*, Yuezhou Wei*. "Rapid and selective capture of perrhenate anion from simulated groundwater by a mesoporous silica-supported anion exchanger", Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2019). 274: 155-162. 中科院二区
30. Hao Wu*, Xiaoxia Zhang, Xiangbiao Yin, Inaba Yusuke, Harigai Miki, Kenji Takeshita. "Extraction Behavior of Lanthanides by a Novel Ionic Liquid Including N, N, N′, N′-Tetrakis (2-pyridylmethyl)-1, 3-diaminopropane-2-amido Structure: A Soft–Hard Donor Combined Strategy", Chemistry Letters (2018). 47(6): 732-735. 中科院四区
31. Chunmin Li, Yuezhou Wei, Xinpeng Wang*, Xiangbiao Yin*. "Efficient and rapid adsorption of iodide ion from aqueous solution by porous silica spheres loaded with calcined Mg-Al layered double hydroxide", Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2018). 85: 193-200. 共同通讯,中科院三区
32. Xiangbiao Yin*, Nobutake Horiuchi, Satoshi Utsunomiya, Asumi Ochiai, Hideharu Takahashi, Yusuke Inaba, Xinpeng Wang, Toshihiko Ohnuki, Kenji Takeshita. "Effective and efficient desorption of Cs from hydrothermal-treated clay minerals for the decontamination of Fukushima radioactive soil", Chemical Engineering Journal (2018). 333: 392-401. 唯一通讯,中科院一区
33. Hao Wu*, Xiaoxia Zhang, Xiangbiao Yin, Yusuke Inaba, Harigai Miki, Kenji Takeshita. "Selective separation of cadmium (II) from zinc (II) by a novel hydrophobic ionic liquid including an N, N, N′, N′-tetrakis (2-methylpyridyl)-1, 2-phenylenediamine-4-amido structure: a hard–soft donor combined method", Dalton Transactions (2018). 47(30): 10063-10070. 中科院二区
34. Xiangbiao Yin*, Xinpeng Wang, Hao Wu, Hideharu Takahashi, Yusuke Inaba, Toshihiko Ohnuki, Kenji Takeshita. "Effects of NH4+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ on the cesium adsorption/desorption in binding sites of vermiculitized biotite", Environmental science & technology (2017). 51(23): 13886-13894. 唯一通讯,中科院一区
35. Xiangbiao Yin*, Lj Zhang, A Ochiai, S Utsunomiya, H Takahashi, T Ohnuki, K Takeshita. "Effect of Temperature on K+ and Mg2+ Extracted Desorption of Cs from Vermiculitized Biotite", Chemistry Letters (2017). 46(9): 1350-1352. 唯一通讯,中科院四区
36. Xiangbiao Yin*, Xinpeng Wang, Hao Wu, Toshihiko Ohnuki, Kenji Takeshita. "Enhanced desorption of cesium from collapsed interlayer regions in vermiculite by hydrothermal treatment with divalent cations", Journal of hazardous materials (2017). 326: 47-53. 唯一通讯,中科院一区
37. Xiangbiao Yin*, Hideharu Takahashi, Yusuke Inaba, Kenji Takeshita. "Desorption of cesium ions from vermiculite with sea water by hydrothermal process", Chemistry Letters (2016). 45(3): 256-258. 唯一通讯,中科院四区
38. Xiangbiao Yin*, Yan Wu, Hitoshi Mimura, Yuichi Niibori, Yuezhou Wei. "Selective adsorption and stable solidification of radioactive cesium ions by porous silica gels loaded with insoluble ferrocyanides", Science China-Chemistry (2014). 57(11): 1470-1476. 唯一通讯,中科院一区
39. Xiangbiao Yin, Yuezhou Wei*, Jianhua Zu. "Adsorption behavior of Zr (IV) and Hf (IV) on a silica-based macroporous TODGA adsorbent", Nuclear Science and Techniques (2013). 24(4): 40203-040203. 一作,中科院二区
40. 史福霞,俎建华*,叶茂松,殷祥标,强碱性阴离子交换纤维的辐射接枝法制备及对铼(Ⅶ)的吸附,高分子材料科学与工程,2013.29(07)157-160,EI.