吴喜军,男,汉族,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,湖南省自然科学基金创新研究群体“气载放射性的计量、防护与示踪技术研究团队”学术骨干。主要从事核材料的模拟计算、核反应理论研究与气载放射性的监测方法及其防护等领域研究工作。近年来获湖南省技术发明一等奖1项,湖南省第二届先进技术转化应用大赛一等奖1项。主持湖南省自然科学基金面上项目1项,湖南省教育厅重点项目和优秀青年项目各1项,市厅级科研项目4项,国家级大学生创新创新训练项目1项,主要参与国家自然科学基金6项,主要参与省军民融合项目1项。参与编写专著两部,近年来曾在《Chinese Physics C》、《Nuclear Science and Technology》、《物理学报》、《原子能科学技术》、《Applied Surface Science》等期刊上发表科研论文21篇,其中被SCI收录14篇、EI收录1篇。
[4]2018.01-2020.12,湖南省自然科学基金面上项目 空气中氡及其子体水平调查的关键问题研究,负责人
[1]Nan Zhou, Yong Qin, Yang Zhang, Feihong Wu, Wantang Yu, Jie Tan, Jinjuan Cheng,Xijun Wu, The ability of BC3 to remove Cs from nuclear wastewater, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2022: e27072(通讯作者)
[2]Nan Zhou, Yong Qin, Wenguan Liu,Xijun Wu, Jinjuan Cheng, Density functional theory investigation of Cs, Co and Ag separation by functionalised graphene membrane, Molecular Physics, 2022, 120(23): e2137067(通讯作者)
[3]Nan Zhou, Yong Qin, Jie Tan, Jinjuan Cheng, Shuaixing He, Hai Li,Xijun Wu, Adsorption properties of radionuclides on BC3: the first principles study, Molecular Physics, 2022, 120: 2091050(通讯作者)
[4]Nan Zhou, Haiting Xu, Yong Qin, Jinjuan Cheng, Mingyue Cao, Geng Yang,Xijun Wu, Simulation calculation of the influence of interstitial atoms on the desorption behavior of tritium in nuclear graphite, Chemical Physics, 2022, 563:111683(通讯作者)
[5]Yong Qin,Xijun Wu, Nan Zhou, Haiting Xua, Jie Tan, Xuekun Chen, Zhihua Peng, Changming Nie, The simulation study of transport performance of HU drugs on functionalized graphene nanosheets based on the Density Functional Theory, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2022, 1209:113604(通讯作者)
[6]Yong Qin, Haiting Xu, Nan Zhou, Xuekun Chen, Zhihua Peng, Changming Nie, Jie Tan,Xijun Wu,The first-principles study of BC3 nanosheet as the delivery vehicle for 6-mercaptopurine drug,Molecular Physics,2021,120:1992522(通讯作者)
[7]You-Tian Zou,Xiao Pan,Xiao-Hua Li,Hong-Ming Liu,Xi-Jun Wu,Biao He,Systematic study of two-proton radioactivity with a screened electrostatic barrier,Chinese Physics C, 2021, 45: 104102(通讯作者)
[8]You-Tian Zou, Xiao Pan, Hong-Ming Liu,Xi-Jun Wu, Biao He and Xiao-Hua L,Systematic studies on a decay half-lives of neptunium isotopes,Physica Scripta, 2021,96: 075301(通讯作者)
[9]Xi-Jun Wu, Wen-Guan Liu, Guang-Hua Wang, Dong-Qin Xia, Ke Deng, Xue-Qun Chen, De-Tao Xiao, Sheng-Wei Wu, Wei Liu. Adsorption and desorption of hydrogen on/from single-vacancy and di-vacancies graphenes, Nuclear Science and Technology, 2019, 42(01):13152-13157.(通讯作者)
[10]Jiu-Long Chen, Xiao-Hua Li, Jun-Hao Cheng, Jun-Gang Deng andXi-Jun Wu. Systematic study of proton radioactivity based on Gamow-like model with a screened electrostatic barrier, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2019, 46:065107-065118.(通讯作者)
[11]Jun-Hao Cheng, Jiu-Long Chen, Jun-Gang Deng,Xi-Jun Wu, Xiao-Hua Li, Peng-Cheng Chu. Systematic study ofαdecay half-lives based on Gamow-like model with a screened electrostatic barrier, Nuclear Physics A, 2019, 987: 350-368.(通讯作者)
[12]Jun-Gang Deng, Xiao-Hua Li, Jiu-Long Chen, Jun-Hao Cheng,Xi-Jun Wu.Systematic study of proton radioactivity of spherical proton emitters within various versions of proximity potential formalisms, THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 2019, 55: 58-67.(通讯作者)
[13]Xiao-Dong Sun,Xi-Jun Wu, Bo Zheng, Dong Xiang, Ping Guo, Xiao-Hua Li. Systematic study ofαpreformation probability of nuclear isomeric and ground states,Chinese Physics C(SCI), 2017, 41(01):14102-14107.(通讯作者)
[14]Jun-Gang Deng, Jie-Cheng Zhao, Jiu-Long Chen,Xi-Jun Wu, Xiao-Hua Li.αdecay properties of 296Og within the two-potential approach,Chinese Physics C(SCI) ,2018, 42( 4): 044102-044105.(通讯作者)
[16]吴喜军,杨果,王广华,钱楠,邓柯,黄豫,陈学坤,刘文冠,刘卫.熔盐堆中石墨吸附氚的理论研究,核技术(CSCD),2018, 41(24):456-463.(第一作者).
[19]胡轶豪,肖德涛,吴喜军,单健,李志强。222Rn/220Rn及其子体测量系统上位机软件的设计与实现,核电子学与探测技术(CSCD), 2016, 36(02):140-143.(通讯作者)
[21]吴喜军,肖德涛,王佳,单健,周青芝,金畅.α放射性气溶胶沉积对微孔滤膜自吸收的影响研究.核电子学与探测技术(CSCD),2015,35(4): 234-239.(第一作者)